Become a Unity game developer

While you eagerly await the updates to our iOS / maxOS / etc Game Development course and In-App purchase masterclass as per the amazing new features of the last WWDC, I have a treat for you right now that I hope you enjoy!

2D Game Development in Unity 5.4

Unity 3D is one of the most powerful free to use game engines available today and is an excellent place to start building games.

This course will cover the foundations of using Unity and building a 2D platformer game.

Make sure you watch our free to view videos to prove to you why this is the Unity course you need out of the pack.

What you will learn:

  • How to navigate and use the Unity Interface
  • Game development concepts and theory
  • Build a platformer game from scratch including animation, phyiscs, character movement, objects to collect, platforms and much more
  • Learn about structuring your game with a main menu and level selection
  • Create re-usable prefabs to build games quickly and elegantly.
  • This course will be supported as long as possible with lifetime access, our other courses have been re-recorded several times due to software updates which offers amazing timeless value.

Full source code and public domain resources provided.


How to set up a home studio for recording online courses

I wanted to share with you all the home recording studio currently used to produce our courses and videos. It's taken a long time to get to a point where the studio is comfortable and working as intended but I'm quite happy with the results.

It has been a goal to make the studio as "live to tape" as possible with minimal or no post processing the finish the recording. Initially I had been trying to pull this off with BionxTV however it simply demanded too much resources from my laptop.

The current solution consists of the following:



  • Heil PR-40 Dynamic Microphone
  • Behringer Xenyx Mixer
  • Apple retina MacBook Pro 13"
  • 2 Softboxes
  • 2 Umbrella Soft Lights
  • 1 Cheap Green Screen 

Join our mailing list, get a free course!

While we try to keep emails are rare as possible, we have some cool things we want to keep our audience in the loop about. If you would like to know what is going on please join our mailing list!

As a bonus, when you confirm your subscription you will get our "Twitter Follower Growth Masterclass" completely free!

Keep an eye out in your email for other giveaways and bargains too, plenty of new content planned for the coming months in both the Swift and Unity space.

Top 5 Game Engines to Watch in 2016

As an indie or small team developer you may be wondering if the game engine you are pouring your effort and money in to will deliver you a stunning game. Let's take a look at a few of the game engines you need to be looking at in 2016.

5) SpriteKit and SceneKit

While Apple have been moving forward in leaps and bounds in previous years with SpriteKit and SceneKit both engines are held back by being limited to Apple platforms.

That said, the visual editors have been progressing to a point where they could well be on par with Unity this year which is quite exciting. I'm eager to see what WWDC has in store.

4) Fabric Engine

The rise of VR is upon us, as such engines like Fabric that are especially tuned to making amazing VR experiences will definitely be on the watch list.

The licensing costs may be enough to keep smaller teams away from this engine.

3) Unreal Engine 4

Unreal has been moving closer and closer to the indie spotlight and for good reason, it is a fantastic engine with a lot of potential.

The recent focus on being able to make amazing VR experiences will be key for it's success in 2016 as VR popularity is expected to skyrocket. 

2) Unity

Unity is by far the most progressive tool in this space going from very humble beginnings to being the fiercest competitor. While not the cheapest option it has so much potential for allowing small and indie teams make massive blockbuster games.

Each year it just keeps getting better and better, I'm looking forward to seeing what is brought on board this year.

1) Amazon Lumberyard

There are a lot of reasons to be excited about this very new game engine. Boasting AAA game building capabilities with very little outlay in regards to licensing it is likely to become strong competition in the near future.

While 2016 may not be the year to switch to Lumberyard, it is definitely the year to watch closely and see if Amazon can deliver on expectations.

Become an iOS gaming master with SpriteKit, SceneKit and GameplayKit

If you haven't yet picked up 2D Games by Tutorials (an amazing book about SpriteKit and GameplayKit that I helped co-author). Then there has never been a better time to check it out with this incredible combo including the new 3D iOS Games by Tutorials.

Learn all about the amazing features of SceneKit and make your own crossy roads style game. Some amazing content for anyone looking to start SceneKit.

Get it now

Kickstart your Game Development Journey Today!

It's been almost a year since the original launch of our "iOS / OSX Game Developement in Swift" course, it started at Swift 1.0 and has now made it right through to Swift 2.2 and the addition of tvOS and GameplayKit, wow what a ride.

If you are still on the fence about where to start your game development journey then I have an answer for you. This "Pay what you want" bundle that contains the above mentioned course plus many other fantastic game development videos (over 108 hours in total!).

Available for a limited time only and 10% of all proceeds go to charity, there is no reason not to take part in this incredible experience.

Let's do this!